Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sampler Quilt 2011 - Week 28 - Prairie Queen

The Prairie Queen block has four patch and half square triangle units. We'll be using 3 fabrics, the background plus 2 accent fabrics. This block could easily be done using Jelly Roll and Honey Bun fabric strips. The background could be the same fabric or use different similar backgrounds for a scrappy look.

Fabric Instructions

  • Background: Cut 4 rectangles 1½ by 3 inches. Cut 4 half square triangles from 2½ inch strips using a half square triangle ruler. Cut 1 square 2½ inches.
  • Accent 1: Cut 4 half square triangles from 2½ inch strips using a half square triangle ruler.
  • Accent 2: Cut 4 rectangles 1½ by 3 inches.

Four Patch Instructions

  • Right sides together, match 2 rectangles together and sew a ¼ inch seam on one side.
  • Press toward darker fabric.
  • Cut sewn piece in half (1½ inches) across seam line.
  • Match pieces right sides together with opposite fabrics on top of each other and sew ¼ inch seam.
  • Press seams to one side.

    Half Square Triangle Instructions

    • Match 2½ inch strips of background and accent 1 fabric right sides together.
    • Cut 4 half square triangles from strips using half square triangle ruler, turning ruler as needed.
    • Sew ¼ inch seam on long side of triangle pairs.
    • Press seam to one side.

    Finishing Instructions

    To finish Prairie Queen block, layout units as shown in picture and chain piece first rows, then columns with a ¼ inch seam. Press seams to one side.

    A different variation of this block with a calculator for different size can be found here.

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