A Card Tricks calculator is available for different sizes, number and methods of blocks for your own project.
Fabric 1: Cut 1 strip 1½ inches wide. Subcut strip into 4 quarter square triangles using a quarter square triangle ruler. Cut 1 strip 2½ inches wide. Subcut strip into 4 half square triangles using a half square triangle ruler. |
Fabric 2: Cut 1 strip 1½ inches wide. Subcut strip into 4 quarter square triangles using a quarter square triangle ruler. Cut 1 strip 2½ inches wide. Subcut strip into 4 half square triangles using a half square triangle ruler. |
Fabric 3: Cut 1 strip 1½ inches wide. Subcut strip into 4 quarter square triangles using a quarter square triangle ruler. Cut 1 strip 2½ inches wide.Subcut strip into 4 half square triangles using a half square triangle ruler. |
Half Square Triangle instructions
Tri Square Triangle instructions
Quarter Square Triangle instructions
Card Tricks Finishing instructionsLayout the 9 units as shown and chain piece block together with a ¼ inch seam.This is the half way point of the Sampler quilt. Here's an idea of what's been accomplished so far... |
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