A Southern Belle calculator is available for different sizes, number and methods of blocks for your own project.
Quarter Square Triangle
- Match a background and an accent 2 inch strip right sides together and cut 4 pairs of quarter square triangles with a special quarter square triangle ruler, also known as a companion angle ruler by Diane Zimmerman.
- Place triangle pairs with accent fabric on top and long side on the bottom to sew in the correct direction.
- Sew the right short side with a ¼ inch seam.
- Press toward accent fabric.
Using another companion ruler, also known as right side triangle ruler or half square triangle ruler, cut 2 triangles from each of the background and accent fabrics.
Finish up
- Sew the half square triangles on the long side of the previously sewn quarter square triangles with a ¼ inch seam.
- Press toward larger triangles.
- Arrange units as shown in diagram and sew using a ¼ inch seam.
- Press seams to one side.
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