Friday, October 7, 2011

Sampler Quilt 2011 - Week 38 - Signature block

The Signature block can be made using between 2 and 12 different fabrics and is set in a 2 by 2 square grid layout.

Fabric instructions

Background: Cut 4 squares 3½ inches.
Accent 1: Cut 4 squares 2½ inches.
Accent 2: Cut 4 squares 2½ inches.

Block Quarter instructions

  1. Draw diagonal lines on wrong sides of all accent fabrics.
  2. Place an accent 1 fabric right sides together lined up in one corner of background square so the diagonal line crosses the corner of the background square.
  3. Sew on drawn line.
  4. Cut excess corner off ¼ inch from seam; press toward accent fabric.
  5. Repeat 2 thru 4 using accent 2 fabric on opposite background corner.
  6. Make 4 block quarters.

Signature block finishing instructions

Layout each Signature block unit as shown and chain piece together first rows, then columns using a ¼ inch seam. Press seams to one side. In keeping with the tradition of the Signature block, you can sign, date and name your quilt here.

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